Sunday, November 28, 2010

Baking a Turkey by Chef Ron

This Thanksgiving season I have read and seen on TV many ways to roast a turkey...they show you how to mix various spices with butter and then freeze the prepared butter  in a roll and then when its hard to slice it into poker chip pieces and then to slide these chips under the skin of your bird and slather the outside with more of the same and stuff it with fruit and dressing and bake it upside down and cover it with foil for half the time and ...and....and...

Bull Pucky............I baked a 21 pounder this AM by cleaning out its cavity (neck and bag of inners)...Laying it down on a rack (breast side up)so it will lay upright...Rubbed a little olive oil on it and sprinkled it with a little garlic powder and pepper...Preheated oven to 325 and covered the breast with a square of tin foil ...baked it for 3 hours and took the foil off it...checked it with a thermomiter at 4 hours (it was over 165 degrees) and took it out...

Best moist breast meat you ever tasted...(Actually I shoved an apple and an onion in  it and poured a cup of coffee in the pan also...)


Ray said...

@ Uncle Ron -

Do you do Take Outs ?

Ever considered writing a cook book for us bachelors who think survival depends upon a good can-opener and a variety of frozen TV dinners?

Tommy said...

Ron, you are absolutely correct. Sometimes the simple/easy way, it still the best. We were watching the cooking channels and it's amazing how many different ways there are to cook a turkey!

The coffee ingredient, I didn't see on the TV however. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm curious about the coffee, too. Why not beer?