My friend Linda lives amidst a massive road widening project near the airport. Although she sacrificed two large crepe myrtles in the process, the roots sproated out "baby myrtles" en mass. The construction crew offered to dig these up with their backhoe. I volunteered to show off my horticultural talents to pot these for later re-planting and here are the results below............
Aren't backhoes wonderful? It sure beats digging them up with a shovel...
A mix of potting and top soil and prayer ...
.....And you fixed the 'Comments'!
So I'm just testing it for you....
Here's an update on the crepe myrtle project. Uncle Ron laboriously replanted a hundred or so offshoots in little cups then over the days forgot to water them! Nature, however, has a way to perform her magic without our best or worst efforts! This summer, one year after the road project began three crepe myrtles sprung from roots in the place of the former trees that the bulldozers removed. Stay tuned for summer pix - maybe we'll have blooms! Linda aka Margie 1/17/12
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