Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Big Snow of 2011...

Cocao says..."I don't know a bout this stuff'"

"I'll give it a try."



Tommy said...

Ron - "I live in the proverbial cabin in the woods with my 2 cats Pumpkin and Peter."

Gee, Ron that house doesn't look like a cabin and that's a very strange looking cat that you have there. :-)

Ray said...

....And what's that white stuff all over the place? Aren't you supposed to be in the banana belt?

Uncle Ron said...

You guys must not have anything to do...You're both looking at my blog...That's Margie's house not mine...

Banana belt huh?

Have you ever eaten a frozen banana?

I'll send you one ...maybe with a Palermo frozen pizza...

Ray said...

A Banana Pizza! Good idea! I've had
Pineapple Pizzas, and they're really good. Maybe banana will catch on too.

Snöskottning said...

A Banana Pizza! Good idea!