I am trying to learn how to post on my blog and I am going to add some photos of a trip I took with my older brother John and his grandson, Adam and my nephew, Michael and my son Daniel...to White Fish Point and Mackinac Island, MI in July of '07...my cousin, Father Jack Owens was with us also...
Nice images, of a very grand place.
I notice that you do something I've fallen victim to, so I'm not being critical ... a slight tendency to lean left when taking the image.
Did you go into the U.P.?
Ooops, my bad. Need to read the sidebar.
I never thought about the way I lean when I take my photos...I bring them into PICASA to work with...I use the staightening tool if they looked cockeyed...I always try to have a level horizon in almost all of my pictures...
If you mean...did we go inland on the Upper Peninsula...we drove to White Fish Point from the Soo and then we drove down to Escanaba where we left my van to be repaired...We also visited an indian casino on the way there...Our main objective on he trip was the Soo...
I notice that one of my photos was not taken on this trip...The man in the tank top with Harley Davidson on it is walking with his wife down the riverfront of Savannah, GA...I like this shot a lot...
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