Sunday, December 25, 2011

MaGoo moves In...

A few months ago Margie found an ad in the paper telling about a cat looking for a good home...This cat has a disabling affliction which won't allow him to walk normally...He has to drag himself whereever he's going...And Margie fell in love with him...So he now shares our home with Margie ...Cocoa (Margie's long haired dachshund)...and me...Here are a few candid shots we took of him...

How could you not love that face...We've named him..."Mr. Magoo!"

Friday, December 9, 2011

ETV Old Timers Meet Again

The ETV Old Timers like to we meet to the Brooklyn Cacye Baptist Convention Center every 3 months...This is our Christmas Luncheon group...Not a bad looking group!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Neighbors on Charlie Rast Rd.

This family must have moved in recently...I hadn't seen them before...

My friend Ray up in Vacouver got a kick out of this pix
and decided to add a few captions...See below...

Some people just can't leave things alone....he-he